
Fruits are nutrient-dense foods, which provide the body with the required nutrients. But did you know they could cause problems when not eaten properly? In this detailed article, we will spell out the ways you have been eating fruits wrongly.

It is essential to consume fruits the right way to get all the nutrients the body needs to carry out processes.


 6 Ways You've Been Eating Fruits Wrong Your Entire Life!

1.     1. Eating fruits after meals

It is not advisable to eat fruits right after eating. When you eat fruits right after meals, you interfere with the digestion process. Compared to grains, fruits get digested by the body much faster. The fruits are ready move to straight to the stomach, and to the intestine to be digested, but are prevented from doing so by the meal eaten before the fruits. In the stomach, when fruits come in contact with the food and the digestive juice, the entire mass of food begibeginsspoil. Because it starts to ferment.


2.       2. Cutting and storing fruits

Eating fruits long after cutting them takes most of the nutritional value away. Fruits when cut, should be consumed within 20 minutes, for the maximum absorption of all the nutrients. Keeping fruits for a longer time results in faster spoilage, as well.


3.    3.   Not eating local fruits

Exotic fruits are becoming popular. There is a reason why some fruits grow in some countries and some don’t. It is essential to eat locally grown fruits, as they are local, in season, and at their best always. The absorption of nutrients from local fruits is much higher compared to exotic fruits. On top of that, exotic fruits are heavily priced. Eat local, eat seasonal, eat your best.


4. Drinking fruit juice

Drinking fruit juice is okay, but eating the whole fruit is much better. The reason being that, when you drink fruit juice, you miss out on an important constituent of fruits, called the dietary fiber. Dietary fiber is important and performs a variety of functions to the body. Dietary fiber improves digestion and smooth bowel movement, enhances the slow release of sugar in the body. The fiber in the fruit makes sure that the sugar does not spike the blood insulin level. Moreover, when you crush the fruits in the blender, excess heat can result in the loss of some nutrients in the fruits.


5.combining fruits with milk.

Milk does not mix well with all frits. You have to be extra careful when it comes to combining fruits with milk. Milk with sour fruits should never be combined. Example oranges, lime, lemon should never be combined with milk. Irregular reactions may occur. You can combine only sweet and ripe fruits like papaya, bananas, mangoes with milk.


6. Eating fruits at night

At night, the body’s ability to assimilate nutrient from food diminishes. Because fruits are high in sugar, it may result in weight gain. Fruits consumed at night may cause heart burns. Make it a habit to eat fruits before 6 pm.



When and how to eat fruits for the most benefit.


·         1. Fruits should be taken in the morning on empty stomach for maximum absorption of nutrients. 6am to 12 noon is considered the best time to eat fruits. Fruits eaten on an empty stomach plays a major role in detoxifying the body. All the nutrients in the fruits gets absorbed by the body.


·        2. Fruits can be taken as morning and evening snack option

Fruits can be consumed in between meals, as a morning or evening snack option. But make sure to keep a 2 hour gap before and after meals.

How to eat fruits

Avoid fruit juice, and eat whole fruits. If you want to have the fruit juice, do not  drink all down at once, take it sip by sip. To allow your saliva mix with the juice, this also helps the digestion process. Do not eat fruits right after a meal, avoid cutting and storing fruits, do not add milk to citrus fruits, eat locally grown fruits, avoid eating fruits at night.



This article outlined the ways you have been eating fruits wrongly. Eat them the right way form today. Thanks for reading. Do not forget to share this content, and stick around for more informative content like this.